Who are we ?Leita at bardagi is a 1901 French law non-profit association. Our goal is to promote Normandie’s history, culture and patrimony, across public and private event of living history. We are going to celebrate, on few weeks, our 10th birthday. During those years, it has been a great pleasure for us to participate to nearly 60 events on 50 different places, both in France and abroad. |
|   Concretely ?Between 783 and 1066, Europeans monks have made, on their written work, a terrible picture of some people: The Vikings! We reenact and present costume, equipment and way of life of those Vikings. Our animations are composed of several handicraft and workshops. The public can have a walk around us, and receive explanations:
· Fighting, war and weapons · Handicraft · Show and sketch
Our performances are within the framework of living history. It’s a reenactment, based on what we know about this period. We have strong and followed relations with archeologist, historian and linguist whereas, we can’t profess be wholy into the historical truth. |
|   Martial artsMost of Leita at Bardagi’s members are used of fighting with weapons. They train very regularly for that. We are able to build up or to participate to reenacted battles. However, this kind of activity is dangerous, so we prefer to eye who are the people we are fighting with. |
|   La CavalerieDepuis plusieurs années, l'ensemble des membres de l'association travaillent autour du cheval dans le but de proposer au public un spectacle de qualité ou s'affrontent cavaliers et piétons. Cette action, qui nécessite une très forte complicité avec l'animal, mais également une totale confiance entre les hommes est issue d'un partenariat avec avec les Écuyers de l'histoire.
Nous sommes ainsi en mesure de proposer au coeur de la bataille (et en toute sécurité) un combat entre demi douzaine de cavaliers et un détachement de fantassins. |
|   ArtisanatDepending on possibilities offered by the place, we can stand up several workshops. Members of Leita at Bardagi can lead and present following crafts:
· Leather craft · Wood carving · Embroidery, tablets weaving, spinning · Metal smelting · Chainmail building up · Glass beads manufacture |
|   Show and sketchesIn connection with some others re-enactors, we can present to the public several scenes about Vikings’ daily life, like wedding, funerary burial… |
|  Leita at Bardagi at your place? |  | At the call of historical monument, archaeo-park, or medieval fest, we can come with costumes, setting and accessories to any European country. We can pitch our camp and we are able to present a pedagogical workshop to any public.
Years after years, Leita at Bardagi has developed lot of partnerships with associations pursuing same kind of goals. That’s why we can both take part of already well establish organization or organized ourselves your event step by step. We are entirely yours to talk about your project and, why not, build it with you.
You can find on this website, places and dates of manifestation on which we are going to perform this year, but also recent picture of our activities and a list of previous events. |
| Our objectives converge with some other association which recognize themselves as part of the Confrerie Normande.
We have nothing to do with politics, violence and religion. |
| Leita at Bardagi est affiliée à la Fédération Française des Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens (FFAMHE) |